"The Bath of the Nymph over the bed. Given away with the Easter number of Photo Bits: splendid masterpiece in art colours. Tea before you put milk in. Not unlike her with her hair down: slimmer. Three and six I gave for the frame. She said it would…
Scanned section of The Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine wherein Arthur M. Horwood details his one-hour exploration of Gibraltar while his military ship is docked for coal. It is featured in the 8th issue of the "monthly journal devoted to all…
An 1867 cartoon by Sir John Tenniel entitled “The Fenian Guy Fawkes” from the magazine Punch.
The Fenian in the picture sits on top of the gunpowder keg holding a torch with innocent women and children surrounding him.
An excerpt from a speech given by Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill on February 22nd, 1888. The excerpt provides some of his discussion on the issue of Home Rule and what he generally refers to as the "Irish Question." The excerpt is taken from…