Print of death of Lothario from The Fair Penitent in Bell's British Theatre, Vol 3
Passage above and behind reads: "British Theatre"
Passage below reads: "Alt: What means they frantic rage?" / Cal: "Off, let me go!"
The passage shows Calista grieving for her lover, Lothario, killed by her husband, Altamount, with his sword.
[They fight; Lothario is wounded once or twice, and then falls.]
Loth. Oh Altamont! thy Genius is the stronger. Thou haft prevail'd!--My fierce, ambitious soul Declining droops, and all her Fires grow pale; Yet let not this Advantage swell thy Pride, I conquered in my turn, in love I triumph'd. Those joys are lodg'd beyond the reach of fate; That sweet revenge comes smiling to my thoughts, Adorns my fall, and cheers my heart in dying. [Dies.]
Cal. And- what remains for me, beset with shame, encompas'd round with wretchedness? There is but this one way, to break the toil and 'scape.
[She catches up Lothario's sword, and offers to kill herself; Altamont runs to her, and wrests it from her.]
Alt. What means thy frantic rage?
Cal. Off! let me go.
Alt. Oh ! thou hast more than murder'd me, yet still. Still art thou here! and my soul starts with horror, at thought of any danger that may reach thee.
Cal. Think'st thou I mean to live? to be forgiven? Oh! thou hast known but little of Calista [ . . . ]