Print of death of Lothario from The Fair Penitent in Bell's British Theatre, Vol 3


Print of death of Lothario from The Fair Penitent in Bell's British Theatre, Vol 3


Lothario's death


Passage above and behind reads: "British Theatre"

Passage below reads: "Alt: What means they frantic rage?" / Cal: "Off, let me go!"

The passage shows Calista grieving for her lover, Lothario, killed by her husband, Altamount, with his sword. 


[They fight; Lothario is wounded once or twice, and then falls.]

Loth. Oh Altamont! thy Genius is the stronger. Thou haft prevail'd!--My fierce, ambitious soul Declining droops, and all her Fires grow pale; Yet let not this Advantage swell thy Pride, I conquered in my turn, in love I triumph'd. Those joys are lodg'd beyond the reach of fate; That sweet revenge comes smiling to my thoughts, Adorns my fall, and cheers my heart in dying. [Dies.]

Cal. And- what remains for me, beset with shame, encompas'd round with wretchedness?  There is but this one way, to break the toil and 'scape.

[She catches up Lothario's sword, and offers to kill herself; Altamont runs to her, and wrests it from her.]

Alt. What means thy frantic rage?

Cal. Off! let me go.

Alt. Oh ! thou hast more than murder'd me, yet still.  Still art thou here! and my soul starts with horror, at thought of any danger that may reach thee.

Cal. Think'st thou I mean to live?  to be forgiven? Oh! thou hast known but little of Calista [ . . . ]





J. Bell (publisher) and George Cawthorn (printer), British Library, The Strand, London




Posted by Joseph Lennon


Print (engraving); jpeg


Fair Penintent print from Rowe's collected plays.jpeg


unknown, “Print of death of Lothario from The Fair Penitent in Bell's British Theatre, Vol 3,” James Joyce Digital Interpretations, accessed February 7, 2025,